Friday, 28 September 2012

Tim Offers Alternative Solution for the Buggy Map App

Feeling frustrated with the buggy Apple Map after updating to iOS6? Perhaps you can try out some alternative map apps while the BIG GUY is solving the problem. Right after Tim Cook's open apology about Apple's faulty map app, Apple has officially open a new category called "Find Maps for Your iPad/iPhone". It recommends to you all the great alternative map apps that you can use while they are working on fixing theirs. If you are more comfortable with Google's own map service, Tim Cook also suggested a way to create a icon for Google map website on your home screen in his very own open apology letter. Well, let's just hope that the iOS software team under the lead of Scott Forstall can make things better soon.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

AppsGoneFree Turns Wider

If there is an app that we were to choose to keep permanently on our iPad, it would definitely be the amazing AppsGoneFree. It's an amazing app that update iOS users on all the great apps offers which only stay for limited time. And with the latest update, it's finally optimized for the wide, beautiful display of iPad. The developers have taken full advantage of the wide screen display and allow the users to view more information about the free apps. Also available on the side of the screen, is a simple but effective list of dates. You can just tap on any of the date and preview the previous offers. If you are lucky, some of the offers might still be valid. We really enjoy the practicality and convenience of this app, what are you waiting for? ;)