Tuesday, 18 October 2011

iOS5 - Amazing Gestures

It's been a while since my last update, been busy with lots of stuff, so finally, my first update on iOS5. While all of us know how amazing iPad2 is, how it change the way we use personal computers, with iOS5, it simply gets even better! First significant changes which I find hard to resist is the improved multi-touch gestures. With iOS5, you can now perform some unbelievable gestures which you could previously only do in a Mac. Sounds promising? Now, let's take a brief tour on some of the gestures which I find useful.

The gesture that I would rate as Number 1 is the "swipe" gesture. Previously only available in OSX Lion, this swipe motion enables user to use four fingers to swipe through running apps. This helps to get rid of the trouble of double clicking the home screen button just to see what apps you are currently running. Now, navigating across apps become so easy.

Next, is the pinch gesture, which can be used to exit from an app to the home screen. All you need to do is use four or five fingers and do a pinch motion right on your apps, this will minimize your app and bring you back to your home screen, without needing you to click on your home screen button.

Finally, the last amazing gesture is the "swipe up" gesture, which allows you to view all your running apps at the bottom of your screen without double clicking your home screen button. The gesture is simple, just place four fingers on your touch screen, and do a "swipe-up" motion, it will open up the hidden drawer below the screen which all running apps are located. To close the drawer, just perform a "swipe-down" motion on the screen, it's that simple!

That's it! Now you can enjoy multitasking on your iPad and avoid destroying your home screen button.   :)

1 comment:

  1. i simply love the pinching in and gets the home page lol
